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Chronological time

tempo cronologico

Hour Ore
Minute Minute
Second Seconda
Hour Hour
Half an hour Mezz'ora
Quarter of an hour Quarto d'ora
What's the time? Che ore sono?
It's five o'clock E '5:00
It's eight twelve E 'di otto a dodici
It's quarter past three E '3:15
It's quarter after three E 'trimestre dopo tre
It's twenty to four E '3:40
What time does the shop close? Che tempo fa il negozio vicino?
The shop closes at ten to eight Il negozio chiude alle 07:50
What time does the school open? A che ora apre la scuola?
The school opens at eight La scuola apre alle otto
See you in half an hour Ci vediamo tra mezz'ora
I finished it in three hours L'ho finito in tre ore
I arrived three hours ago Sono arrivato tre ore fa
We have lunch around one o'clock Abbiamo pranzo intorno 01:00

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