
  • shape
  • shape

Cardinal numbers

numeri cardinali

Nought Nulla
One One
Two Due
Three Tre
Four Quattro
Five Cinque
Six Six
Seven Seven
Eight Otto
Nine Nove
Ten Ten
Eleven Eleven
Twelve Dodici
Thirteen Tredici
Fourteen Quattordici
Fifteen Quindici
Sixteen Sedici
Seventeen Seventeen
Eighteen Diciotto
Nineteen Diciannove
Twenty Venti
Twenty one Ventuno
Twenty two Ventidue
Thirty Trenta
Forty Quaranta
Fifty Fifty
Sixty Sixty
Seventy Settanta
Eighty Eighty
Ninety Ninety
A hundred Un centinaio di
A hundred and one Cento e uno
Two hundred Duecento
A thousand Un migliaio
Two thousand Duemila
A hundred thousand Centomila
Two hundred thousand Duecentomila
A million Un milione
Two million Due milioni

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